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2018 Holiday Gift Guide: Gifts the Give Back

For the past three years, I’ve shared a holiday gift guide of charitable products that allow you to honor and celebrate a friend or family member while supporting a great cause! There are tons of companies and products out there making a difference in the world, but here are my favorite gifts that give back for 2018! (Check out past holiday picks from 20152016, and 2017!)

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For her

Tatcha Every single purchase from Tatcha helps fund girls’ education around the world through Room to Read. Tatcha purchases have funded over 2 million days of school for girls in Asia and Africa.

For him

LSTN wireless earbuds Does anyone else have a guy in their life that is constantly looking for his earbuds? These earbuds are perfect for your favorite guy because it not only comes in an automatic charging case, but it also funds the purchase of hearing aids through the Starkey Hearing Foundation.

For the whole family

 Kindness Matters Sweatshirt Benefitting the Buddy Project, a nonprofit movement aimed at preventing suicide and self-harm by pairing buddies and raising awareness for mental health, these sweatshirts come in several styles and colors. Small acts of kindness multiplied by millions can change the world, and this sweatshirt is a great daily reminder.

For the mom

CV x Every Mother Counts Tote Bag Screenprinted with the French phrase for “I love you, Mom”, 100% of net proceeds of this Clare V. tote benefits Every Mother Counts. Every Mother Counts is a nonprofit founded by Christy Turlington on a mission to make childbirth safe for mothers all over the world.

For the kiddos

Bixbee For each backpack purchase, Bixbee donates a schoolbag full of school supplies to a child in need through One Here. One There. Not only does the company support a  one-to-one model, but the backpacks are ergonomically designed for children’s posture and come in several sizes based on age and height.

For the fur babies

WO dog toys American made and BPA-free, phthalate-free, non-toxic and FDA-compliant, the WO bone provides worry free play time with your pup. For each WO dog toy sold, two nutritional meals are given to orphaned children and widows in Ethiopia (W for widows; O for orphans).

For the coffee lover 

 Grounds & Hounds Gift Pack  Does it really get any better than caffeinating for good? Grounds and Hounds donates 20% of all profits to animal rescue organizations. The coffee subscription gift is also a great way to keep your family and friends caffeinated throughout the year.

For the snacker

Detroit Friends Potato Chips Stamped with the ultimate approval as one of Oprah’s Favorite Things, the company is using vacant lots in the struggling Detroit neighborhood of Hope District to cultivate this local favorite. Proceeds go to maintaining a soup kitchen and creating other financial opportunities in the neighborhood.

For the stocking stuffer

LottoLove If you usually fill stockings with scratch-off  lottery tickets, Lottolove is the perfect socially conscious alternative. Each card donates to one of four charitable partners, literacy tools, solar light, clean water, and nutritional meals. The charitable prize is hidden until the recipient scratches off the card!

I hope this gift guide makes your holiday shopping a little easier! If your doing holiday shopping on Amazon, don’t forget to sign up for Amazon Smile! Amazon will donate 0.5% of all Amazon Smile eligible purchases to a charity of your choice. (I chose Goodwill Industries of Middle Tennessee, obviously.) It’s super easy to sign up here!

Though the holidays can be a very stressful time, I always try to embrace the madness and remember what’s most important during this busy time! I make it a priority to give back by adopting a family, volunteering at a local lights’ display, or performing a random act of kindness. How do you stay grounded and embrace the tradition during the holidays? Leave me a comment below.


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