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My UNBELIEVABLE Goodwill Outlet Haul

My UNBELIEVABLE Goodwill Outlet Haul

Once you have sharpened your thrifting skills at Goodwill, it’s time for the greatest challenge, the Goodwill Outlet. The Goodwill Outlet isn’t for the faint of heart, but it’s the MECCA of Goodwill gold. Commonly referred to simply as “the bins”, the inventory is sorted in huge blue bins. There’s not much structure or organization, but generally clothes, household items, and shoes are separated. The Outlet is “pay by the pound.”  For instance, clothes are $0.79/lb.  If you’re itching to make your first Outlet trip, read my tips and tricks here. Below are all of my Goodwill Outlet finds (and their estimated original retail value) from a recent morning trip to the bins!


Vintage Adele Wicker Beaded Clutch ($100)

I am OBSESSED with this bag! Though it’s 30+ years old, it’s in near perfect condition. Here’s a similar version for sale on  Etsy. I can’t wait to take this statement piece with me on my next beach trip!

Fendi Vintage Bag ($95)

I RARELY find authentic designer bags at Goodwill so my eye light up when I found this vintage Fendi bag lying unloved on top of a heap of neglected handbags. I told myself, “surely this can’t be real, but for $0.79 I will risk it and authenticate it when I get home.” As soon as I got home, I googled and inspected every inch of this handbag and compared it with vintage bags on eBay like this one.

Oversized Patent Bag ($25)

Quilted Chain Bag ($20)


MinkPink Polka Dot Dress ($79)

MinkPink is a pretty popular brand sold at Nordstrom and popular online retailers like Revolve. If you want to sharpen your Goodwill skills, start looking at lesser known brands sold at popular online retailers like Revolve, Asos, and NastyGal.

Loft Blazer ($120)


Michael by Michael Kors Jacket ($100)

This jacket is missing a button, but the under $1 price tag definitely makes it worth the small repair.

Wilsons Leather Skirt ($200)

Not pictured but seen here.


Vintage Tennessee Titans Sweatshirt ($25)

Tennessee Vols Sweater ($35)

Vintage Music City Miracle Tshirt ($20)

It’s not secret that I love my vintage sports gear. I talked about finding vintage pieces for your favorite sport team at Goodwill in this post.


Lou & Grey Sweatshirt Dress ($89)

BCBG Cocktail Dress ($174)

Shoshanna Dress ($376)


WHAT I PAID: $11.20

Can you believe that?! This number is even shocking for this seasoned Goodwill shopper! Do you enjoy seeing posts of my Goodwill hauls? Leave me a comment below, and let me know!



  1. Kara
    November 17, 2016 / 12:52 pm

    I’ve recently started following your blog. I love seeing your hauls. It makes me want to go out right now to Goodwill and see what I can get my hands on! I can’t usually afford to buy clothes new, but I don’t need to with second hand stores and finds like this. 🙂

    • November 17, 2016 / 1:58 pm

      Thank you for following the blog, Kara! Even for those that can afford to buy brand new clothes, buying at Goodwill and second hand is a MUCH better deal! 🙂

  2. November 17, 2016 / 2:47 pm

    Unbelievable Great buys. ?

  3. Carrie
    November 17, 2016 / 3:09 pm

    My 15 year old daughter has deemed Goodwill a cool place to shop. Everytime she finds and wears something she gets complements. I love seeing your hauls – seeing as you go to the same bins as I do.

  4. Emma
    February 5, 2021 / 1:35 pm

    Ok so you chose TN Titans stuff, are you in TN or rather where are the GW outlets? Never known you could buy before it goes to the store. Or is this an after store outlet?

    • February 5, 2021 / 2:27 pm

      Yes, I’m located in TN. The Goodwill Outlet is for items after they have already been in the store and not sold.

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